Residential Roofing

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Residential Roofing Issues

A roof shields your home and is usually the hardest hit by weather conditions. Whether it is a few missing shingles or a roof hit hard by a storm, we have you covered. Blackbelt roofing is your one-stop shop for all your roofing problems. We are committed to protecting your roof so it protects you! Our professional team offers premium products and exceptional roofing services.


Depending on the configuration of your roof, you might lose a couple of shingles before you even notice it. But the more common problem is to have lifted or damaged shingles due to extreme weather. High winds can pry the metal flashing and tiles up, destabilizing the roof and potentially inviting in everything from water to pests. Too much sun can cause cracking or breakage over time.


Georgia weather can make everything more mobile than it originally seemed. So even if you’ve been vigilant about cutting back your branches and tearing down leaning trees, high-speed winds can make your roof more vulnerable than you think. From an incessant whipping of branches to a fallen limb, the extra pressure from the vegetation can eventually make the roof begin to sag. Man on the roof trimming tree branches.


One of the more difficult problems to ignore, roof leaks can cause serious water damage in a short period. Leaks can occur anywhere along the roof, even when your shingles are in relatively good shape. Even if you’re not dragging out buckets to catch the falling water though, you may still have a leak that’s going directly into your rarely used attic or crawlspace.


The metal flashing of the roof is specifically built to withstand the degradation of time, but it’s also not made to last forever. If your roof is several decades old or it’s undergone a catastrophic event, then your flashing may need to be repaired or replaced.


Asphalt shingles are built with tiny particles that will absorb the harmful UV rays of the sun. If they’ve begun to fall off though, it will start to show as bald patches on the roof. If your roof has swaths of discoloration, this could be a sign that you’re losing those all-important granules. water leaking from the gutter.


If your gutters or downspouts are starting to fall away from the home, this can eventually end in tragedy for your roof and your home. Damaged gutters are just another way for water to end up in the home or to soak your lawn in all the wrong places. For some gutters and downspouts, it’s just a matter of unclogging and reattaching them, but others will need to be replaced before they put the home in any more danger.


This overhang on the home is a major target for water damage. Just one ice dam can cause enough disruption to the soffit or fascia board that it can begin to detach from the larger structure. From there, it only takes a short period before the rot quickly spreads. This is how you can end up getting squirrels and birds making nests in the eaves of your home.


It may seem counterintuitive that too many layers would be a problem. (All those layers would seemingly add up to more barriers between you and the elements). But the reality is that the roof may not be able to sustain all that extra weight, which can ultimately leave it in peril.


The roof may seem like a relatively static component of the home, but it’s shifting and changing all the time. For some roofs, the shingles will begin to expand when the weather starts to warm up, which can ultimately lead to their splitting. If those shingles are continuously bumping into one another, it can warp the roof entirely. Squirrel on a roof.


You may think that animals are only attracted to roofs that are falling apart, but this isn’t always the case. Animals that continuously try to burrow into your roof may eventually start to make some progress. Insects may find it even easier to break through to the other side.


The solutions to your roofing problems are the solutions to nearly all your homeownership problems. It helps to pay attention to changes in your home and perform routine maintenance whenever necessary. Shingles may need to be replaced or repaired, the soffit or the flashing may need an upgrade, or you may need to reconsider the number of layers on your home. The general advice for roof maintenance is to address problems as quickly as possible — even if you can only take care of part of the problem. In other words, a patch-up job is better than nothing. Leaving a problem for too long can ultimately endanger your whole home. Taking on roofing problems isn’t necessarily easy for many homeowners though. Even a seemingly straightforward task can end in a serious fall. If you have a drone, you can consider using this as a safer means to identify your issues without having to get on a ladder. But there’s an option that might be even better than that.


There’s a reason why people trust Assurance Residential to fix common roofing problems. We’ve proven time and time again that we have the skills, products, and know-how to take care of the many homes in our neighborhood. When you call us, you can expect every job to run like clockwork and to end in unparalleled safety for your home. We may make recommendations, but we never pressure or scare you into a service or product you don’t need or want. Whether you want us to inspect your roof or get to work, we’re here to help. Our approach is honest, fair, and pressure-free. We are a locally-owned business based in Here are the 10 most common problems to be on the lookout for…

Lack of Maintenance

Ideally, you should schedule an annual inspection of your roofing. You should also plan on having a professional inspection following any severe storm events. Over time many things go wrong with your roof and you need to be on top of taking care of it regularly. Mildew, sagging or large holes are usually clear indicators of a roof that has been neglected.

Improper Repairs

This is one of the worst offenses because it means the homeowner hired someone to get the job done. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to prevent it except make sure whoever you hire is reputable. Too many shady contractors bid on a job then cut corners because they will still get paid for completing the job and it will be a long time before anyone discovers what they did.


Roof and attic ventilation is an integral part of making a roof last and occurs naturally when vents are placed at the base of the roof (at the eaves or in the soffits) and near the top of the roof (the ridge) so that warm air can leave through the top, and cool air can be drawn through the bottom. Since warm air naturally rises, no mechanical process is necessary to create this air movement. Adequate ventilation regulates temperature and moisture levels in the attic. Left unchecked, heat and moisture can build up causing damage to rafters, sheathing, shingles, insulation, and rising energy costs, and may also lead to some ugly mold and mildew problems.

Storm Related Damage

Summer, spring, winter, or fall any season can cause storm-related damage. Hail, rain, heavy winds, lightning, or even broken branches can all cause major roofing damage. Make sure following any weather-related events you have your roof inspected for possible damages. The window for filing an insurance claim is not very big and you do not want to end up paying for these damages out of your pocket.

Roof Leaks

No matter what type of roof you have if a leak develops you have a problem. Your roofing is meant to act as a lid on a container. The purpose of this lid is to keep everything inside dry. Once a leak compromises that all you can hope to do is fix it in time to minimize the damage. There is any number of reasons that leaks can occur; the concern is detecting them in time and carrying out repairs and clean-up in time.


Although generally moisture is not a problem without a leak being present this is not always the case. Built-up moisture though will cause problems especially if left to fester over time. Moisture will lead to mold and mildew and all of this will begin to cause rot. The worst part is that it can develop into a deeper problem if it begins to also get into the walls and pose a threat to the structure of the house.

Poor or Faulty Installation

Like shoddy repair work, many so-called professional roofing contractors may just see the opportunity to make some quick money. Or, even worse, someone who is not qualified at all to take on this type of work may take on the job. It can take years to detect a problem, but once it begins to cause issues it is generally too late for a quick fix. At the very least you will probably need to completely replace the roof.


Overhanging tree limbs can rub on a roof, abrading the surface of the shingles and wearing away the protective top layer. Branches can also fall on the roof creating even more serious damage. Tree limbs should be trimmed back away from the roof as much as possible and if a tree is close enough to pose a threat to your home, it should be removed.

Improperly Installed Flashing

Flashing is what seals the areas where your roof has been penetrated (like vent pipes, skylights, chimneys, and heating and cooling systems. When flashing is poorly attached, it can cause open seams and laps and ultimately cause tiles to blow off. Improperly installed flashing can also reduce puncture resistance in your roof.


Small animals, birds, and insects can cause a surprising amount of damage. It’s best to evict them before they get a foothold. One of the best ways to prevent avoidable problems with your roofing is to only work with reputable companies. Make sure they are licensed and insured and check their rating with the Better Business Bureau. If at all possible, also ask for references so you can speak to someone who used this roofing company before. Whenever possible hire someone who has already worked with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. If they come highly recommended then you are less likely to have a problem. Just make sure to still follow up by checking to make sure they are licensed, insured, and in good standing with the BBB. Learn how the most common roof issues impact homes and what can be done to reduce risk and damage Even the proudest homeowners can end up with multiple roof problems. They’re so common because your roof suffers from the “out of sight, out of mind” position, effectively being a blind spot unless someone pulls out a ladder and inspects it or the problem forces you to pay attention. Today’s article isn’t a countdown. There’s no single roof issue that’s less damaging than another. They can all pose a serious risk to your home and health in the short or long term. Let’s start by listing problems you could step outside (or inside) and see.

Nature can be a nuisance

Trees are lovely around the home but can damage your roof if they get too close. Overhanging branches slowly scratch at the roof and wear down or loosen protective elements. Trees cause debris like leaves and twigs to become stuck in roofs, forcing open cracks or blocking gutters. Worse, an entire tree limb may become detached by time or hard weather and land on your roof. Your roof can also attract wildlife like birds, insects, and other small creatures which may begin to tear at roofing materials to insulate their own little homes, destroying or occupying yours in the process. Trimming back nearby tree branches helps solve two problems at once because some animals depend on them to reach your roof. Always consult professionals before attempting any nature management solutions. I also recommend a roof inspection following severe weather including very hot or cold spells. Mother Nature never does a roof any favors so check yours after extreme events to catch issues early.

Gutters ready to give out

Gutters are designed to steer free-flowing water into a downspout. They’re problematic when blocked by debris or forced to bear the weight of an ice dam (when roof heat melts the underside of snow covering which becomes solid again at the roof’s edge). Ice dams typically come with visible icicles and obvious gutter sagging. I don’t recommend attempting to address these without professional help; you could detach your gutter or rip holes in your roof. Other debris like leaves, twigs, and small stones can be addressed by installing foam or mesh gutter guards. They’re affordable and efficient but may become overwhelmed in heavier weather. Personal maintenance can be performed with some basic equipment but must be done safely and responsibly. I recommend two things: Ask a roofer about any gutter issues you have and check out my earlier article for a deeper look at gutters and gutter maintenance.

Look out for leaks

Beyond obvious dripping in the attic, dampness or discoloration on walls or ceilings can be signs of a roof leak. Water spots may also be seen on the exterior of your home just under the roofline or around the gutter. Leaks have several causes and therefore several solutions; the right one will depend on the roof’s materials and construction. Homeowners can inspect the upper interior of their homes by checking skylights, vents, and other spots where the outside world meets the roof. These are classic leak locations and sometimes it’s even more obvious than that. Caulking or patching yourself can be a quick fix, but only temporarily until a qualified roofer can assess the damage. When it comes to your roof’s exterior, you’ll read many articles saying homeowners can fix leaks and other roofing problems without professional help. While I don’t doubt that many people could, my concern is that this choice contributes to the next roofing problem on our list.

DIY overconfidence

Many homeowners take the initiative in looking after their properties, but DIY attitudes can be costly. These good intentions often make a problem worse, create new ones, or endanger the homeowner’s immediate safety. Millions of Americans are injured by DIY falls every year, sometimes fatally. You can avoid this problem by contacting a roofer who can assess the problem professionally and offer solutions. Blue Nail offers a free consultation where you can share any questions or concerns about your roof and we’ll give you an expert reply. You’ll save money, time, and possibly prevent harm to you and your property caused by tackling issues alone. You can also download our free insider’s guide for tips and insight that every homeowner can use.

Poor ventilation

The importance of quality roof ventilation can’t be overstated. When it’s substandard, homeowners can find themselves too hot, too cold, or dealing with allergies and ill health. Vents let your roof and home breathe and keep multiple dangers at bay. If the heat can’t escape, homeowners will quickly find their AC bills rising in the summer as they try to stay cool. And in colder months, when indoor heaters work harder, that extra warmth rises to the roof and gets trapped there as moisture. Vents should be installed and regularly maintained around roof edges, gables, and ridges. This helps keep attic areas cool and dry by removing warm air before it becomes moist. They’re a great money saver when it comes to utility bills and, unlike other home devices, vents cost nothing to run once they’re installed.

Flashing failures

Sometimes, holes in your roof are supposed to be there. I’m referring to the necessary intrusions of things like skylights, satellite dishes, vents, and chimneys that need to break the roof surface to function. Flashing is the material used to seal around these penetrated areas to ensure the elements don’t get in. It’s also used around roof edges, seams, and valleys. Flashing is vulnerable to poor installation techniques, environmental exposure, and simple age. It’s typically an easy fix for professionals but also something that can be hard to spot from ground level. This brings me to the next problem and how flashing and other gap failures can be safely solved by modern means.

Roof gaps that AREN’T supposed to be there

Big roofing problems start small. Once rips, gaps, or holes appear, they can quickly worsen through weather beatings or rapid decay. This allows moisture to slowly creep into your home. Once the dampness gets a foothold, it’s a short step to spores and mold, which compromise the structure and your health. You’ll be well on your way to roof integrity by following my earlier tips and keeping tree branches, debris, and wildlife off your roof. If you haven’t recently checked for gaps, holes, or rips, then I don’t recommend getting up on your roof with a magnifying glass; not when there’s a great modern solution. At Blue Nail, we use drone technology to give us unbeatable roof inspecting capability. The drone can safely and thoroughly assess the entire surface with no physical risk to our team, zooming in tile by tile if necessary. That means even the smallest hole won’t escape notice, and there’s no extra foot traffic or tool work on your roof that might exacerbate the issue. Our drone inspection is complimentary. It can even be carried out under COVID-19 lockdowns, and we’ll repair whatever we find as quickly and affordably as possible. However, there’s another cause for roof wear and tear that no roofer can permanently solve…

The trouble with time

Mother Nature and Father Time are a tough tag team. The passing of years is the one thing no roof can fight. Regular maintenance and repairs can considerably prolong a roof’s life, but the day will come when it’s more cost-efficient to start over. The solution is a complete roof replacement, and the good news is the quality of modern roofing materials is light years beyond past options. Investing in a new roof can secure many more healthy years of performance compared to the roofs of yesterday. For example, Blue Nail is part of the DaVinci Masterpiece Contractor program, which provides some of the most beautiful and hard-wearing roofing materials available today. Visually attractive and versatile, these options are Class A fire rated and can withstand Class 4 impacts (the toughest rating) and winds of up to 110 mph. We also carry GAF Timberline shingles; a brand we’re so confident in that we offer a no-limit wind warranty. Homeowners can enhance the aesthetics and value of their property with Blue Nail’s options, and even Father Time will struggle to make a dent in their new roof.

Bad installation and shoddy repairs

These last two are the toughest roofing issues for homeowners because they could be looking right at them and not seeing them. I’m referring to the craftsmanship and many little details that go into a quality roof installation. These are skills customers trust roofers to possess and provide. Not every contractor does, so many homeowners are left with shoddy work without knowing the signs of a quality roofer. The same applies to repairs. You may have had a great team install your roof, but if a problem develops later and other poor workmen “repair” it, the roof might as well have a bad installation — an issue that forces homeowners to be reactive when the damage has already been done.

Lack of ongoing support

Perhaps the most dangerous threat to roofs is a consistent lack of professional support. Many of the threats above are exasperated by a lack of regular maintenance and inspection. Be proactive and work with Blue Nail to make sure your roofing is done the right way from the start and receive ongoing support. We stand by our work and our customers, and we’ll be there for you in the future. We’re part of the Top 2% of roofers in America, which allows us to offer extended warranties not only on the materials we use but also on our craftsmanship for up to 25 years. We take pride in building customer relationships and breaking the stereotype that surrounds contractors. You can count on us for an easy, transparent experience that will leave your roof and home stronger than they were before. Working with Blue Nail Roofing means coming home to craftsmanship. From the first call to the final inspection, we’re with you every step of the way to ensure you benefit from our experience. For more information or a free consultation.

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